Management of intraocular and adnexal malignancies of the eye.
Head of Ocular Oncology Unit
Dr. John McKenzie, Ophthalmologist, MBBS, FRACS, FRCOphth, FRANZCO
Ocular Oncology Consultants
Dr. Roderick O’Day, Ophthalmologist, LLB (Hons), BSc, MBBS (Hons), FRANZCO
Dr. Daniel McKay, Ophthalmologist, MBBS(Hons) FRANZCO FRCPA
Senior Retinal Consultant
Dr. Bryan Matthews, Ophthalmologist, MBChB, FRCOphth FRANZCO
Ocular Oncology Database Manager:
Lotte. S. Fog, PhD
Ocular Oncology Service – Useful Contacts
Specialist Clinics Contact
To reschedule or cancel an appointment contact Patient Services and Access on – 03 9929 8500
Nurse Consultant – Peta Holly
Fridays 8am – 4:30pm
Social Work
Mon-Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm
Patients can self-refer by phone on 03 9929 8727
General Inquiries
03 9929 8666 (switchboard)
03 9929 8666
Hospital information line
The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Cancer Council Victoria
Information and support 13 11 20
Support in your language 13 14 50
Melanoma Patients Australia
Melanoma Patients Australia – Reducing the impact of melanoma.
Support Line 1300 884 450
PO Box 308, Varsity Lakes,
QLD, 4227