We have a range of resources to make things easier for GPs and other referrers. Support includes: information sessions run by our specialists; referral guidelines and forms; and information about our services.
Referral guidelines
Our referral guidelines provide information to assist GPs identify which patients to refer and when. They also outline key information required on the referral. The more clinical information that you include, the better we are able to triage your patient.
**Please note the Ophthalmology Primary Care Referral Guidelines have been updated in August 2024**
In some cases diagnostic support will be required from a local optometrist or audiologist to provide a report that will assist with both your referral and our triage.
There are optional referral forms available, which can be printed or downloaded and integrated with Medical Director or Best Practice Clinical software products. For assistance integrating these templates into your software, please contact your Primary Health Network or software vendor.
*To ensure template links remain active, please download referral templates to your software without opening in Microsoft Word.
For immediate telephone advice/emergencies: Phone switch (03) 9929 8666 and ask for the Eye or ENT admitting officer
For referrals and outpatient appointments: You can mail or fax referrals to the Patient Services and Access (PSA):
Fax to PSA on (03) 9929 8404, or mail to Patient Services and Access, Locked Bag 8, East Melbourne, 8002.
For urgent referrals: You can mark as ‘URGENT’ (triaged within 48 hours) or telephone PSA to notify them you are sending an urgent referral – PSA phone (03) 9929 8500.
Balance Disorders and Ataxia Service
When referring to the Balance Disorders and Ataxia Service, please ensure medical referral letters or forms are addressed to A Neurologist at the Balance Disorders and Ataxia Clinic, for Medicare purposes
Other important information
Medicare ineligible patients: If your patient is Medicare ineligible, please let us know, so we can discuss options with your patient prior to their appointment.
Interpreter required: Please let us know on your referral if an interpreter is required and for which language.
Please let patients you refer to the Eye and Ear know about the hospital language lines so they can listen to helpful pre-visit information before attending their appointment.
Patients who have seen a private Ophthalmologist: If you could document the Ophthalmologist the patient attended, this could be helpful if we need further information.