As the festive season commences, the Patient Experience team at the Eye and Ear have been working hard to collect Christmas hamper donations to spread more cheer this Christmas.
The hampers will go to participants in the ‘From Homelessness to a Home’ project. The initiative supports over 240 clients aged 50-plus to secure long-term housing across metropolitan Melbourne. The project will provide those who were temporarily housed in hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic with long-term housing and support.
Led by the Eye and Ear’s Deb Hailes, staff from across the hospital have stepped up with lots of donated goodies just in time for the festive season. Donated items have ranged from essential toiletry and food products, to an array of hand knitted festive dolls.
“Staff kindness has been overwhelming… Everyone has been so lovely,” said Deb.
The project takes a wholistic approach. The combination of housing and support means that participants aren’t just provided with safe and secure housing, they’re also provided with practical help to be able to maintain their accommodation , look after their health and engage with the community around them.
It is hoped that these Christmas hampers help each client have a joyous Christmas this year!
Learn more about the Wintringham project via their website.