The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (Eye and Ear) is inviting optometrists in Victoria to participate in a collaborative Glaucoma care program.

Over the past 20 years, the Eye and Ear has seen a 29 per cent increase in surgical patients with glaucoma, with data from Glaucoma Australia indicating 1 in 50 Australians will develop the condition in their lifetime.

Since 2019, the Glaucoma Community Collaborative Care Program (G3CP) has provided greater community-based eye care with eligible patients who have mild to moderate glaucoma seen in a shared-care arrangement between the Eye and Ear Glaucoma Unit and participating community optometrists.

Optometrists working with the Eye and Ear in this program will gain valuable experience in co-managing patients with glaucoma and receive access to highly interactive accredited CPD training from our glaucoma medical team.

Woman sitting with a man looking at a file, an eye chart sits on the wall in the background

The benefits for patients through this shared model mean they can be reviewed closer to home, reducing travel time and costs, as well as facilitating better access to appointments.

With G3CP now expanding, the Eye and Ear aims to continue building strong ongoing relationships with optometrists who have an interest in glaucoma to promote continuing professional education and improved public health.

The Eye and Ear will host highly interactive CPD training for participating optometrists, provided by Eye and Ear Glaucoma Unit ophthalmologists. These sessions will provide opportunities to enhance glaucoma management strategies, as well as strengthen the relationship between the glaucoma medical team and optometrists.

To find out more and register your interest click here or email

Expressions of interest close Friday 6 October 2023.