A cochlear implant may be an option for improving hearing and communication if a person who uses hearing aids reports:

  • reduced clarity when listening to people speak
  • relying on lip-reading or visual cues
  • difficulty communicating on the phone
  • difficulty participating in social occasions.

A bone conduction implant may improve hearing and communication if a person has:

  • a conductive hearing loss in at least one ear
  • ongoing ear infections that prevent them from wearing a conventional hearing aid
  • single sided deafness – a profound hearing loss in one ear and (near) normal hearing in the other ear.

We welcome referrals from all health care professionals. Please click here to open our referral form. If you would like to self-refer, please get in touch with our team.

Please address all referrals to:
Mr Robert Briggs
Cochlear Implant Clinic
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Locked Bag 8
East Melbourne 8002

For referrers

Learn more about our Victorian cochlear implant program and increase your confidence in referring clients.

Contact our Cochlear Implant Clinc

Cochlear Implant Clinic
6th Floor, Smorgon Family Wing
32 Gisborne Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Ph: 03 9929 8624
Fax: (03) 9929 8625
Email: cic@eyeandear.org.au