About › Executive Team
Our executive team oversees our dedicated workforce and are responsible for operational delivery of our goals and targets as set in our Strategic Plan.
Mr Brendon Gardner
Chief Executive Officer - B App Sc (HIM), MHA (UNSW), GAICD
The Chief Executive Officer is accountable to the Board for executive leadership and management of operational, policy and strategic goals. These are agreed with the board and are set in accordance with the Victorian Government Department of Health’s funding, planning and regulatory framework.
Ms Leanne Turner
Executive Director Operations and Chief Nursing Officer - RN, BHealthSci (Nursing), PostGradDip (Health Administration), MBA, GAICD
The Executive Director of Operations and Chief Nursing Officer is responsible for overseeing all clinical operations for the organisation including surgical and inpatient services, the Emergency Department, and ambulatory service delivery. As Chief Nursing Officer, the role also has professional responsibility and leadership for all nursing staff, the clinical competence framework, and nurse education.
Dr Birinder Giddey
Executive Director Medical Services and Chief Medical Officer - MBBS(Hon), MHLM, FRACMA
The Executive Director Medical Services and Chief Medical Officer is responsible for professional leadership of the medical workforce. The role also has executive responsibility for medical training and education, the hospital’s research strategy, and quality and improvement initiatives including those related to the redevelopment and the introduction of the electronic medical record.
The role also provides oversight of the Data Integrity Framework and management of clinical datasets.
Mr Darren O'Connor-Price
Executive Director, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer - B.Bus (Acc.), Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA) and Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA)
The Executive Director, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the management of corporate services, financial reporting, analysis, controls, budgeting and treasury.