The hospital values our staff and has a dedicated program in place to recognise and acknowledge those who show outstanding performance and demonstrate our values.

Nominate now!  The Eye and Ear is calling on your nominations for our Values Awards so outstanding individuals and teams can be rewarded and thanked.

About the Values Award

This award recognises staff or volunteers who put the hospital’s values into action every day. Nominations are made within our four Values categories: integrity, care, teamwork and excellence. Types of nominations could include:

  • Patient centred care: an individual or team who delivers the utmost care and compassion or shows a commitment towards improved patient safety – Integrity and care.
  • Collaboration and positive teamwork behaviours: an individual or team that displays exceptional positive workplace behaviours by supporting, collaborating with and/or promoting their colleague(s) – Teamwork.
  • Innovation: an individual or team that demonstrates excellence in a successful initiative – Excellence.

The Values Award is presented twice in the first half of the calendar year and all nominations feed into the annual Excellence Awards.

When and who can make a nomination and be nominated?

Nominations are open all year round and can be made by and for staff and volunteers.

How can I make a nomination?

Staff and patients can nominate via this online form or complete a hard copy feedback form available at the hospital or via the Consumer Liaison Officer.

What happens with my nomination?

Nominations are collated and reviewed by the Executive Committee to determine the winners. Award nominees and winners of the Values Awards are presented at staff forums. Excellence Awards are presented at the annual Excellence Award ceremony. Winners are acknowledged either on the Eye and Ear’s website, social media and/or newsletters.

Contact us

Winners of our Values Awards will also automatically be nominated for our staff for our Excellence Awards which are presented in the second half of the year.

About the Excellence Awards

The hospital’s most prestigious awards recognise those who have contributed to achieving organisational excellence. The awards include:

Board Chair’s Medal

The hospital’s highest award. Medal recipients are true ‘heroes’ and identities at the Eye and Ear. It is awarded to an individual who has made a major contribution to the hospital in a particular field.

Administrative /Clerical/Support Services Excellence

Recognises the important role of administrative and/or support staff. This award also acknowledges creative and original thinking that results in positive outcomes for our patients, or an improved working environment.

Allied Health Excellence

Recognises outstanding leadership and/or commitment to patient care by an Allied Health individual or team. Areas of leadership and/or contribution may include:

  • Education and teaching
  • Patient care initiatives
  • Team work/peer support
  • Research

Nursing Excellence

Nominations are invited for staff or teams who:

  • Display outstanding leadership in nursing care
  • Have a commitment to providing patient centred care
  • Are committed to improving patient care
  • Encourage others to achieve their best
  • Are advocates in advancing the profession of nursing
  • Recognise the value of research in improving care.

Dr J Aubrey Bowen Medal

Nominees for this award must be a medical staff member. The recipient will have displayed outstanding leadership that is beyond their expected duties and/or has significantly contributed to enhancing patient care.