This information relates to projects that
- Have ethical approval from a Reviewing HREC (not Eye and Ear HREC)
- The Eye and Ear is involved in the project only for the purposes of provision of data and/or material
If the Eye and Ear is involved in the project for more than data and/or material only then this pathway does not apply and you should review the Research Governance Pathways information in more detail and/or contact the Research Office.
For this pathway to be relevant all the following must apply:
- The involvement of the Eye and Ear extends only to providing data and/or material
- Participants will not be Eye and Ear patients for the purposes of the project
- The project does not require approval from the Eye and Ear Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
- If the project is a research project then the project must have ethical approval from a registered NHMRC Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and the Eye and Ear must be listed as a site providing data.
The Project Team Leader / Principal Investigator must submit the following documentation to the Eye and Ear Research Office as detailed below
- Research Project Application Cover Sheet
- Download the Eye and Ear Cover Sheet for new Research Projects and any attachments required:
Eye and Ear Cover Sheet for New Research Project (MS Word; v15.5 dated April 2021)
Guidelines for completing the Eye and Ear Cover Sheet and Attachments (MS Word; v1.0 dated 25 August 2020)
Attachment A – Clinical Trials (MS Word; v1.3 dated April 2021)
Attachment B – Biospecimens and Genetic/Genomic Research (MS Word; v1.2 dated 14 October 2020) - If involving Cochlear Implant Clinic services – Evidence of approval of the Cochlear Implant Clinic Research Steering Group
- Protocol including details of obtaining and using data and which includes Eye and Ear as a data provider
- HREA which includes Eye and Ear as a data provider and VSM Form if through NMA scheme (ie reviewed by interstate HREC)
- Letter of HREC approval referring to the same Protocol version submitted in 3 above
- Data and/or Material Transfer Agreement (or request to use Eye and Ear Data and/or Material Transfer Agreement template)
Please note:
- Submit at any time
- There are no application fees for Data Transfer Authorisation