This information relates to projects that

  1. Have ethical approval from a Reviewing HREC (not Eye and Ear HREC)
  2. The Eye and Ear is involved in the project only for the purposes of provision of data and/or material

If the Eye and Ear is involved in the project for more than data and/or material only then this pathway does not apply and you should review the Research Governance Pathways information in more detail and/or contact the Research Office.

For this pathway to be relevant all the following must apply:

  1.  The involvement of the Eye and Ear extends only to providing data and/or material
  2.  Participants will not be Eye and Ear patients for the purposes of the project
  3.  The project does not require approval from the Eye and Ear Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
  4.  If the project is a research project then the project must have ethical approval from a registered NHMRC Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and the Eye and Ear must be listed as a site providing data.

The Project Team Leader / Principal Investigator must submit the following documentation to the Eye and Ear Research Office as detailed below

  1. Research Project Application Cover Sheet
  2. Download the Eye and Ear Cover Sheet for new Research Projects and any attachments required:
    Eye and Ear Cover Sheet for New Research Project (MS Word; v15.5 dated April 2021)
    Guidelines for completing the Eye and Ear Cover Sheet and Attachments (MS Word; v1.0 dated 25 August 2020)
    Attachment A – Clinical Trials (MS Word; v1.3 dated April 2021)
    Attachment B – Biospecimens and Genetic/Genomic Research (MS Word; v1.2 dated 14 October 2020)
  3. If involving Cochlear Implant Clinic services – Evidence of approval of the Cochlear Implant Clinic Research Steering Group
  4. Protocol including details of obtaining and using data and which includes Eye and Ear as a data provider
  5. HREA which includes Eye and Ear as a data provider and VSM Form if through NMA scheme (ie reviewed by interstate HREC)
  6. Letter of HREC approval referring to the same Protocol version submitted in 3 above
  7. Data and/or Material Transfer Agreement (or request to use Eye and Ear Data and/or Material Transfer Agreement template)

Please note:

  1. Submit at any time
  2. There are no application fees for Data Transfer Authorisation