We offer a range of support services to help you use our services and understand more about your condition. Help includes support services (formerly social work), interpreters, patient transport and accommodation options.

Social Work Services

Changes to vision and hearing can often be a challenging time for you and family members. Other issues can also impact on your physical health and emotional wellbeing. We can provide support in a number of ways. To speak with one of the social workers please call (03) 9929 8234 and select option 3 or alternatively at your next specialist clinic appointment or inpatient stay you can ask to speak with a social worker.

Transport and Accommodation Support

The patient transport and accommodation unit assists in supporting the transport and accommodation needs of hospital patients. If you are having difficulty getting to the Eye and Ear for an appointment or have special needs, the Eye and Ear has advice about how to seek assistance.

State-wide transport coordination

We can organise transport state-wide, for outpatient clinic appointments and discharges on medical grounds. This only service is available to patients who meet certain eligibility criteria. Call us on (03) 9929 8234 and select option 2 to find out more.

Travellers Aid

Travellers Aid can also provide support, advice and assistance about getting to and from appointments. Find out more about Travellers Aid, and their services on their website.

Do you live further than 100km from the Eye and Ear?

Did you know you could be eligible for reimbursement of some transport costs to attend the hospital? The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) assists rural Victorians who need to travel long distances from home for specialised medical treatment from approved specialist doctors. To be eligible for assistance, patients must reside in a rural region and travel 100 kilometres or more (one way), or an average of 500 kilometres per week for five weeks or more, to receive treatment from a recognised specialist. Each state has its own subsidy scheme. 

Download a claim form and learn more about VPTAS here. Physical forms are also available at clinic receptions, please ask one of our friendly Patient Services and Access staff for a copy.

Please ensure your form is signed by a doctor. Payments can take up to 6-8 weeks to receive. Please contact 1300 737 073 or vptas@health.vic.gov.au if you have any questions.


We can provide information on local accommodation within a 5km radius of the Eye and Ear. The hospital does not organize this accommodation which is independent to the hospital. Contact us on (03) 9929 8234.


To ensure you understand your medical condition we can book  an interpreter to communicate in your preferred language. This can include either an on-site interpreter or telephone interpreter. For the deaf community we can organise Auslan interpreters. To request an interpreter please advise when booking your appointment or surgery. Please call (03) 9929 8234 or email interpreters@eyeandear.org.au at least two weeks before your appointment to organise.

Multilingual Language Lines

We have the information lines available for people using our services, which are available in six languages – English, Cantonese, Greek, Italian, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. Visit General Information in Your Language to find a phone number in your language.

The hospital infolines provide our consumers with helpful information in an accessible format and multiple languages with the aim to better serve Victorian communities and help make visits to the Eye and Ear go smoothly.

Diabetes Education

The management of diabetes eye disease requires a team approach to ensure good control of blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol. We work with you to manage diabetes eye disease. The team includes the person living with diabetes, their local GP, diabetes specialist, dietitian, podiatrist, counselor, diabetes educator and medical eye specialist. Our diabetes educator is available to provide education support and information to patients accessing the hospital services, and can assist patients to access appropriate diabetes services available within their local community area.